• Cool detox
  • Cool detox
  • Cool detox
  • Cool detox
  • mražené

Cool detox

Detox cure with Thai young coconuts - ingredients: 2x 15 coconuts, 1x 375ml coconut oil, 1x 200g young barley, book Love, Life, Coconut!, cocodrill. All you need is 10 lemons (ideally organic), and optionally celery (if you have a juicer)

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177,83 €
Objednejte si čerstvou várku, kterou brzy dokončíme. U Vás bude pravděpodobně 19th March 2025.
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Do you want to feel better? Get a detox! Coconut detox is easy peasy. Fill your freezer with virgin coconut water and start the detox with skype couching with Filip. At the beginning you might feel like you want to eat everything in the world, but in a while your body will reward you with a great feeling and significant wave of energy. In 10 days you will get rid of toxins, which are gathered in your body and you will feel so much better. This kind of detox is so cool! Each day you will open 3 coconuts using a cocodrill, then you mix them with powdered young barley... and find out more in the coconut book.


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1 hodnocení
Radka 20. 3. 2022

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